Logistics in the palm of your hand
Use our innovative software to keep track of your vehicles, assets etc using the latest RFID NFC wireless technology. Simple, cheap cards or tags that can be programmed to represent values such as registration numbers. This can be done on site with a mobile phone in seconds. The vehicle can then be logged on entry / exit etc and a record saved of its payload.
are instantly available for anyone you choose to view. Alternatively you can have a card at the point of entry to a site and drivers can by holding their phone close to the device. Completely flexible, you can use this system for anything you need to keep track of. Plus the added bonus of not having to collate mountains of paper tickets, sort them by material moved and all the other time consuming and error prone methods of the past.
You have a large volume of material to shift from site to tip. Time is of the essence and you need to be aware of productivity levels at all times. Simply register each vehicle being used on the job by entering the registration number into your phone and writing it to an NFC tag or card. The driver retains the card and simply taps it against your phone every time he arrives at or leaves site, you can log both if required to avoid waiting time charges. Upon leaving with his load the material is selected on the phone, the driver taps his card against it and the record is saved. The data is written and is available instantly for all to see online. Even if you are on the other side of the world you can instantly see how much material has been shifted off the site and whether your targets are being met. You can instantly calculate volumes, costs etc from the data. It is also possible to detect fraudulent transactions by analysing the data. The phone can also
be set to log its position on each transaction as a further safeguard.
You are in a similar situation as described above but want your drivers to log their presence at each end of the route, both at site and tip. Simply station a card or tag at the entry points to both locations and the drivers can tap their phone against the card upon arrival and departure (subject to them having appropriate phone and a copy of our app installed).
For applications such as security where you may wish to monitor the fact that someone has been in a certain place at a certain time simply write identification data for each location to a tag and securely fix the tag at that location. The person who is attending simply registers with the tag using their phone and the fact that they have done so is immediately available to anyone who you authorise to view the data, gps co-ordinates of the phone at the time of logging can also be recorded if required. Simple and a fraction of the cost of proprietary systems. |
Simple timekeeping and attendance records for your employees. Each employee is issued with a card which they simply tap on the phone of your supervisor, foreman etc. You can instantly see who is present on a particular site and use the records for payment purposes as well. |
Tag your machinery, tools or other assets for security purposes and to record other data such as maintenance records, movement from place to place etc. You can tag anything from a hand saw to a multi million dollar machine. Keep geographical and other records and prove ownership should your equipment be stolen and require identification. . |
Cost savings and other benefits: |
This whole process is very simple and uses the mobile phone which is something most people are familiar with so training is very quick, you should be up and running with this system in a few minutes (there is a bit of background work to do first such as account set ups, security etc but the site implementation is very quick). It is also cost effective, the average cost of producing a paper record, stationery costs, processing etc is around £8-£15 depending upon circumstances and methods, this system would typically cost a few pence to get the same result plus the enhanced availability of the information can be invaluable when schedules are tight. Even when used as an ancillary to paper records invoicing will be far quicker due to the instant availability of the data right across your organisation.
You can tag and track anything you want, the possibilities are unlimited and current and historical data is only a click away and viewable on any device. |